Oh goodness gracious...here I go again...neglecting my blog...new year and new things going on...that and the fact that one of my friends introduced me to FACEBOOK last year and I have been addicted ever since. If you haven't yet been taken in by the social network...good for you! Don't google the website...don't go anywhere near that thing. I thought TWITTER was bad...I haven't visited there in a few weeks....despite the fact that some local celebrities have begun to follow me in the recent weeks. To my TWITTER followers: Find me on Facebook!
FACEBOOK and all it's evilness just has the ability to suck you in...all of a sudden you are able to chat with your friends, see what they are doing, peek into their lives, view updated photos. AND, then when that isn't enough...you find out you are able to enter the name of that friend you had in elementary school and chances are---you WILL find them! AND, not just that person...but little by little you find everyone you've ever had any type of relationship with...whether it be an acquaintance, an old friend, former co-worker, college roommate, etc.... need I go on?
I have reconnected with so many people...it has been a wonderful experience! I truly anticipate who I might "see" next...
Alas, there is life outside of FACEBOOK...I know some of you don't believe me...but there is...
I'll be updating again soon...my wonderful group, The Boutique Angels, will be launching shortly in March. AND, of course, I will be listing some of my designs and will have to showcase them here. We will be raising money for the Children's Tumor Foundation and I will have to introduce you to the beautiful little girl who inspired us to choose this charity...she is amazing!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I'm soft...like a teddy bear...
Children see right past your imperfections don't they? The other night as I was tucking in the princess munchkin...I put my knee on her bed to reach the lamp above her to turn it off. She put her arms around my huge thigh and I on impulse jumped back...just my self-consciousness...she proceeded to tell me, "you feel good mommy...so soft, like a teddy bear!"...uh, okay...not exactly what I want my thigh to feel like...but a few minutes later I realized that children love teddy bears because of their cuddly appeal...and that was a wonderful compliment coming from a 7 year old...so I went in and gave her an extra little kiss on the forehead...nighty night little princess...dream of pretty things.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Amazing things happen around the Holidays!
Hi Everyone! I hope you all have a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING and that you find that you have many, many things to be thankful for!
I don't have much time to gab...but I HAD to post this right quick!!!! They have found a perfect match...can't wait to hear who the Angel is!!!!!
Lisa, we are all sooooo happy for you!!!!
I don't have much time to gab...but I HAD to post this right quick!!!! They have found a perfect match...can't wait to hear who the Angel is!!!!!
Lisa, we are all sooooo happy for you!!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
All I want for Christmas...
I read a blog today that just puts so many things into perspective. I am Catholic and am a firm believer in teaching my children that Christmas and Easter is not always just about receiving, nor receiving a lot. BUT, even then I do believe that children should have some fun in unwrapping something they might have wished for all year long.
Here is the post from A Mama's Blog, I stumbled upon it on Twitter. Now, you can read it, but I'll tell you what reached inside me and clenched my heart. Heather (A Mama's Blog), has a sister who teaches Second grade. AND, like all children...all 7 & 8 year old children...they write letters to Santa. Here is a sampling of what a few wrote:
"…I need some socks because all mine have holes in them.”
"…I would like two blankets because my house gets cold.”
“…in the store, I would like new shoes.”
"…I need some pencils at home because I don’t half any and I half to wait until my couzin is done with his homework. Also his homework has a lot of pages to do and it takes forever and ever and I don’t get to finish not much of my homework.”
Can you understand what I'm feeling here with out me writing any further?
After reading those words...I sat here in disbelief.
Disbelief because I can't imagine the child that sat there in class, knowing that they were writing a letter to Santa Claus...probably someone they whole-heartedly believe in...there only chance of the year to ask for the toys they have been longing for, for months-perhaps years...and they had to sit there in their little desks and outweigh whether or not they should ask for the toy...so that they could play with it, enjoy it, cherish it, basically have the freedom that childhood brings every person only a few years in one's lifetime...the years of no "responsibilities" (you know what I mean)... OR, should they ask for the things they NEED, perhaps recalling the night before when they didn't get a good night's sleep because it was too cold...perhaps being embarassed when it's okay to take your shoes off, but you'd rather not because you know you have holes in your socks...
What child should have to make that type of decision...that's too mature of a decision...that's an adult's decision, right? Balancing our WANTS from our NEEDS. Sure, we need to teach our children that we can't have everything...I certainly do. BUT, is it too much to WANT a blanket or new socks? SOCKS? Can you believe that a child is wishing for that? Today, in 2008? In our great country of America?
We do live in a great country and I am very proud to be an American, and yet I think we sometimes take too much for granted here. We place so much focus on the wrong things.
My husband and I are not wealthy...no where near it. AND, yet we are so rich. Rich in the fact that we have each other, our children and our families...a roof over our heads, food not only on our table but in our pantry and refrigerator, we have transportation, we have heat...and now to add to that list...we have "pencils", "blankets", and we ALL have socks...with out holes in them.
I was interviewed here locally a couple of months ago...the subject was budgeting and Christmas shopping. I recall the interviewer asking me if I would be having a budget this year...I answered, "...of course, we do every year." She then asked me if we would be buying any big ticket items, to which I replied that "there is a lot more to Christmas than expensive gifts."
There is a lot more to CHRISTmas than any gift.
If you can't help send anything to this classroom, please try to find a family locally who is not as well off as you are...remember there is always someone out there who is worse off than you...always.
Heather...thanks for the reminder!
Here is the post from A Mama's Blog, I stumbled upon it on Twitter. Now, you can read it, but I'll tell you what reached inside me and clenched my heart. Heather (A Mama's Blog), has a sister who teaches Second grade. AND, like all children...all 7 & 8 year old children...they write letters to Santa. Here is a sampling of what a few wrote:
"…I need some socks because all mine have holes in them.”
"…I would like two blankets because my house gets cold.”
“…in the store, I would like new shoes.”
"…I need some pencils at home because I don’t half any and I half to wait until my couzin is done with his homework. Also his homework has a lot of pages to do and it takes forever and ever and I don’t get to finish not much of my homework.”
Can you understand what I'm feeling here with out me writing any further?
After reading those words...I sat here in disbelief.
Disbelief because I can't imagine the child that sat there in class, knowing that they were writing a letter to Santa Claus...probably someone they whole-heartedly believe in...there only chance of the year to ask for the toys they have been longing for, for months-perhaps years...and they had to sit there in their little desks and outweigh whether or not they should ask for the toy...so that they could play with it, enjoy it, cherish it, basically have the freedom that childhood brings every person only a few years in one's lifetime...the years of no "responsibilities" (you know what I mean)... OR, should they ask for the things they NEED, perhaps recalling the night before when they didn't get a good night's sleep because it was too cold...perhaps being embarassed when it's okay to take your shoes off, but you'd rather not because you know you have holes in your socks...
What child should have to make that type of decision...that's too mature of a decision...that's an adult's decision, right? Balancing our WANTS from our NEEDS. Sure, we need to teach our children that we can't have everything...I certainly do. BUT, is it too much to WANT a blanket or new socks? SOCKS? Can you believe that a child is wishing for that? Today, in 2008? In our great country of America?
We do live in a great country and I am very proud to be an American, and yet I think we sometimes take too much for granted here. We place so much focus on the wrong things.
My husband and I are not wealthy...no where near it. AND, yet we are so rich. Rich in the fact that we have each other, our children and our families...a roof over our heads, food not only on our table but in our pantry and refrigerator, we have transportation, we have heat...and now to add to that list...we have "pencils", "blankets", and we ALL have socks...with out holes in them.
I was interviewed here locally a couple of months ago...the subject was budgeting and Christmas shopping. I recall the interviewer asking me if I would be having a budget this year...I answered, "...of course, we do every year." She then asked me if we would be buying any big ticket items, to which I replied that "there is a lot more to Christmas than expensive gifts."
There is a lot more to CHRISTmas than any gift.
If you can't help send anything to this classroom, please try to find a family locally who is not as well off as you are...remember there is always someone out there who is worse off than you...always.
Heather...thanks for the reminder!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I got an award...doing the HAPPY dance!

My sweet friend, Tam, from Painted Patooties bestowed this sweet little honor on me...THANK YOU Tam! You have such a great sense of humor, you are so very sweet and not to mention very inspiring when it comes to the area regarding FITNESS...and you are also the only women I know who can eat chocolate for a whole week and actually DROP a dress size...that in itself is pretty miraculous! Again, thank you my dear, you have brightened my day and put a larger than usual smile on my face!
Okay, so here are the CHARACTERISTICS for the SMILE award;
1. Must display a cheerful attitude.
2. Must love one another.
3. Must make mistakes.
4. Must learn from others.
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world.
6. Must love life.
7. Must love kids.
And, well every thing has rules...so these are the RULES for the SMILE award:
1. The recipient must link back to the award’s creator.
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award.
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.
AND, now the award goes to:
1. Traci from Bloom Design , there is just something about Traci that I love. I think she is very genuine and she will at times send me all sorts of virtual goodies...so what's not to love? Plus her creations are wonderful...I own one, and her craftsmanship is wonderful!
2. Beth from The Pink Tulip...another sweet lady. I also enjoy reading her blog and about her vacations here and there. She has a gorgeous little girl and she looks so much like her mother it's almost unreal.
3. Vera from Doodbugzmom...Vera is great...she has a great personality and a generous soul. Plus I haven't seen her around much lately and simply want to nudge her a bit! When she does pop in, she always makes me smile...Vera, come get your award!
4. Michelle from Eat, sleep, create!... Michelle always puts a smile on my face...this woman is truly amazing! She has been a foster parent to so many children all the while rasing her own. When ever she is blessed with a new child to care for or having one of her former "babies" come visit her...you can just read the excitement and warmth in her posts...simply oozing with kindness!
5. Annette from Pickles and Co. ...her photos on her blog really just make me sigh...ahhhh...I believe she lives in some type of Wonderland. I also enjoy reading her blog and the little tidbits in her life. Apart from that, I admire her work as a designer...I'm a big fan!
So there you have it...it's really quite unfair because there are still so many more that I would like to award, but oh well...rules are rules I suppose...
bloom design,
painted patooties,
pickles and co.,
Smile award,
the pink tulip
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Another plea...

Please if you read this...please post it on your blog, Facebook or tweet it on Twitter. You may remember my posts about Lisa, The Domestic Diva and her sunshine girl, Marielle. Well, Marielle is really in a lot of pain and is desperately in need of a kidney transplant...soon! After the childrens hospital in Philadelphia provided a lot of grief to their cause by the slow process in evaluating and testing donors...and might I add they were being very picky as to whom they would allow to get tested, Lisa will be now working with
NY Presbyterian-Columbia University Hospital.
The NY hospital has agreed to test any and all willing donors!
So please, help us get the word out...
Have I mentioned that Marielle is only 15 years old?
Please read Lisa's updated information on her blog here and pass it on!
NY Presbyterian-Columbia University Hospital.
The NY hospital has agreed to test any and all willing donors!
So please, help us get the word out...
Have I mentioned that Marielle is only 15 years old?
Please read Lisa's updated information on her blog here and pass it on!
domestic diva,
kidney transplant,
sunshine girl
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Boutique Angels launch again!
I have some new skirts up for the Boutique Angels!!! What??? Can't find them under my ID???? Well....they were collaborations I created to match some wonderful friends, so I'll share the links with you!
I have to mention that, as always, 100% of the proceeds from each auction will be donated to charity. Our chosen charity for this launch is the Children of Fallen Soldiers Refund. Wonderful cause!
My first twirl skirt was a super fun, super colorful collaboration with some pretty talented girls. There are some wonderful hard to find European fabrics in this patchwork creation! The top was made by Jen of little*red*wagon who is a member of Ivylane, the perfectly matched clippies were made by Heather of little*e*designs who is a member of BoutiquePOP! kids and that yummy sugar cookie brooch (no, it's not edible, LOL!) was created by Stephanie aka twinkiechan! Thanks girls, it was a lot of fun!!!! You can find our auction here! Seriously, if you have ever wanted a Mimi Kattini...this is the one to get...so bid on it now!

My next collaboration, again...some amazing designers! This time I worked with Michelle, couture4mycutie...she provided the wonderful park slope fabric we used to create this ensemble! Patty of key*west*kids appliqued the made to match top and did a wonderful job! This set has a tote...oh so cute and nicely painted by Julie of the paintedbutterflystudio! AND, of course what boutique set would be complete without matching accessories? Heather of little*e*designs once again worked with us to create the lovely headband with flowers. AND, wait this set has one more hair accessory, this time from Melissa and Shelly of thebowvine...oh they also created that cute little necklace too! Whew! I think that is everyone! Collaborations are so much fun...they really are, and I enjoyed every minute of them! Thanks girls! Grab this set here...this one comes in custom sizes!

Please make sure to check out the rest of the auctions...we have some AMAZING listings so get your bidding finger out!!!!! Search "Boutique Angels Charity" on eBay!
I have to mention that, as always, 100% of the proceeds from each auction will be donated to charity. Our chosen charity for this launch is the Children of Fallen Soldiers Refund. Wonderful cause!
My first twirl skirt was a super fun, super colorful collaboration with some pretty talented girls. There are some wonderful hard to find European fabrics in this patchwork creation! The top was made by Jen of little*red*wagon who is a member of Ivylane, the perfectly matched clippies were made by Heather of little*e*designs who is a member of BoutiquePOP! kids and that yummy sugar cookie brooch (no, it's not edible, LOL!) was created by Stephanie aka twinkiechan! Thanks girls, it was a lot of fun!!!! You can find our auction here! Seriously, if you have ever wanted a Mimi Kattini...this is the one to get...so bid on it now!

My next collaboration, again...some amazing designers! This time I worked with Michelle, couture4mycutie...she provided the wonderful park slope fabric we used to create this ensemble! Patty of key*west*kids appliqued the made to match top and did a wonderful job! This set has a tote...oh so cute and nicely painted by Julie of the paintedbutterflystudio! AND, of course what boutique set would be complete without matching accessories? Heather of little*e*designs once again worked with us to create the lovely headband with flowers. AND, wait this set has one more hair accessory, this time from Melissa and Shelly of thebowvine...oh they also created that cute little necklace too! Whew! I think that is everyone! Collaborations are so much fun...they really are, and I enjoyed every minute of them! Thanks girls! Grab this set here...this one comes in custom sizes!

Please make sure to check out the rest of the auctions...we have some AMAZING listings so get your bidding finger out!!!!! Search "Boutique Angels Charity" on eBay!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Will the Puffy Taco be knocking on doors this Halloween?
A couple of weeks ago, I posted about what my children wanted to be for Halloween. Munchkin #2 wanted to be a Puffy Taco...read about it here. Well, this is what happened...
I've been very busy...and the munchkins dress up in their costumes for the annual Church's Halloween Festival, so I needed to have the costumes ready by this Friday...like tomorrow...and time just passed me by. Well, we are at Target the other night and we just happened upon the costume aisle....which of course I then proclaimed to munchkin #2..."oooooh, look at all of these costumes...which one do you want?". Munchkin #1 had many suggestions for him, and I of course retorted, "honey, this is the one time out of the year you get to be ANYTHING you want, so let HIM choose what he will be".
Did you hear what I said? I was telling my daughter that she should let her little brother choose what he wanted to be...well, for the last 2 months we were all aware that he wanted to be the Puffy Taco...and up until the day before he still wanted to be the Puffy Taco...but now suddenly we are in the Target Costume aisle and picking out something else...so in essence, I guess I wasn't letting him be what he truly wanted to be...but in my defense...I've been busy.
He picked out a really cute "muscular" Captain America...you know the kind that makes your little one look like a Hercules...so fitting too, since it is an election year, don't you think?

He's been wearing the costume everyday and loving it...but of course he was asked today by the lady at the post office, "What are you going to be for Halloween?", to which he replied, "The Puffy Taco", aye, aye, aye...well, I'll have to explain that one tomorrow...and perhaps I will eventually make him a Puffy Taco costume for him to play with around the house since I really was now looking forward to making the darned thing...
I've been very busy...and the munchkins dress up in their costumes for the annual Church's Halloween Festival, so I needed to have the costumes ready by this Friday...like tomorrow...and time just passed me by. Well, we are at Target the other night and we just happened upon the costume aisle....which of course I then proclaimed to munchkin #2..."oooooh, look at all of these costumes...which one do you want?". Munchkin #1 had many suggestions for him, and I of course retorted, "honey, this is the one time out of the year you get to be ANYTHING you want, so let HIM choose what he will be".
Did you hear what I said? I was telling my daughter that she should let her little brother choose what he wanted to be...well, for the last 2 months we were all aware that he wanted to be the Puffy Taco...and up until the day before he still wanted to be the Puffy Taco...but now suddenly we are in the Target Costume aisle and picking out something else...so in essence, I guess I wasn't letting him be what he truly wanted to be...but in my defense...I've been busy.
He picked out a really cute "muscular" Captain America...you know the kind that makes your little one look like a Hercules...so fitting too, since it is an election year, don't you think?

He's been wearing the costume everyday and loving it...but of course he was asked today by the lady at the post office, "What are you going to be for Halloween?", to which he replied, "The Puffy Taco", aye, aye, aye...well, I'll have to explain that one tomorrow...and perhaps I will eventually make him a Puffy Taco costume for him to play with around the house since I really was now looking forward to making the darned thing...
Friday, October 17, 2008
My heart aches for this mommy...
Remember this post? At the end of my post, I wrote about Marielle....Lisa, the Domestic Diva's Sunshine girl. Marielle was recently admitted back into the hospital and spent a few days in ICU. She is still in the hospital but out of ICU and is now in END Stage Kidney failure. Lisa's sister and brother have both gone through the process of testing to see if they are a match for their niece...but, they are not. Both Lisa and her husband are also unable to donate their kidneys to their daughter. Lisa's younger sister will now be tested to see if she can possibly be a donor.
Marielle had a liver transplant as an infant and so she is harder to match since she carries her own antibodies and those of her donor's.
Anyone considering being a donor must be in good health. You may contact Joann Palmer of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia at (215)590-2449, for more information about how you may be able to help by being a kidney donor for this beautiful, 15 year old girl.
You can also help by posting this on your blog and help spread the word! You may read more about Marielle's recent admittance into the hospital on Lisa's blog.
Above all, please say a prayer for my friend, Lisa and her daughter, Marielle and the rest of the family.
Marielle had a liver transplant as an infant and so she is harder to match since she carries her own antibodies and those of her donor's.
Anyone considering being a donor must be in good health. You may contact Joann Palmer of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia at (215)590-2449, for more information about how you may be able to help by being a kidney donor for this beautiful, 15 year old girl.
You can also help by posting this on your blog and help spread the word! You may read more about Marielle's recent admittance into the hospital on Lisa's blog.
Above all, please say a prayer for my friend, Lisa and her daughter, Marielle and the rest of the family.
Monday, October 6, 2008
New Designs coming soon!
The Boutique Angels will be launching on November 3 and I am so excited about this one! I am collaborating with some wonderful ladies and can't wait to see all of the yumminess come together...stay tuned!
Beautiful days....
The weather has been absolutely Fall-ish the last couple of days! I LOVE taking the munchkins outside when it is this beautiful!
Gone are the days of being in the pool...but that's okay, now we are able to see the miracle that is nature. Days like these allow my mind to focus on other things...and not asking myself questions like, "I wonder if they are ready to go inside...whew... it's hot out here?".
The mosquitos are still out in full force...and not dousing yourself with Off! will certainly mean that they will be calling all of their friends and treating them to a buffet at your expense. Trust me these little pests eat as much as they want no matter how much you swat at them. I think I overheard a couple of them talking about how mighty tasty I was and if I didn't leave them alone there were two other buffets they knew of watching some roly polys play hide and seek. *SWAT*
The leaves are still on the trees. In a couple of weeks, you won't even be able to see a blade of grass on our front lawn...and no matter how much we rake or mow...or rather I should say my husband rakes or mows (I can do ANYTHING---anything I tell you, however I have never been able to turn on the lawn mower nor push it...go figure, hee hee) it will continue on through all of winter. I like to call it TEXAS SNOW. If I'm inside sitting on our sofa in the living room, I can honestly hear the *crunch, crunch* of the mail man walking to my door bringing my daily goodies. AND, I don't have to tell you how much the leaves delight the munchkins...they love everything about them...after all you can throw them up in the air or at each other and no one gets hurt, you can jump in them, lay in them, even hide in them...perhaps we could even make "leave" Angels...I don't know...we'll try it.
Ahhhh...Fall...pretty soon it will be Halloween...and here in Texas we never know what the weather will be like...we've had FREEZING trick or treating...and OH MY GOSH, it's HOT trick or treating...who knows what this year will bring...but for now I'm enjoying the weather!
Gone are the days of being in the pool...but that's okay, now we are able to see the miracle that is nature. Days like these allow my mind to focus on other things...and not asking myself questions like, "I wonder if they are ready to go inside...whew... it's hot out here?".
The mosquitos are still out in full force...and not dousing yourself with Off! will certainly mean that they will be calling all of their friends and treating them to a buffet at your expense. Trust me these little pests eat as much as they want no matter how much you swat at them. I think I overheard a couple of them talking about how mighty tasty I was and if I didn't leave them alone there were two other buffets they knew of watching some roly polys play hide and seek. *SWAT*
The leaves are still on the trees. In a couple of weeks, you won't even be able to see a blade of grass on our front lawn...and no matter how much we rake or mow...or rather I should say my husband rakes or mows (I can do ANYTHING---anything I tell you, however I have never been able to turn on the lawn mower nor push it...go figure, hee hee) it will continue on through all of winter. I like to call it TEXAS SNOW. If I'm inside sitting on our sofa in the living room, I can honestly hear the *crunch, crunch* of the mail man walking to my door bringing my daily goodies. AND, I don't have to tell you how much the leaves delight the munchkins...they love everything about them...after all you can throw them up in the air or at each other and no one gets hurt, you can jump in them, lay in them, even hide in them...perhaps we could even make "leave" Angels...I don't know...we'll try it.
Ahhhh...Fall...pretty soon it will be Halloween...and here in Texas we never know what the weather will be like...we've had FREEZING trick or treating...and OH MY GOSH, it's HOT trick or treating...who knows what this year will bring...but for now I'm enjoying the weather!
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